ESG and Soil Management: The Key to Global Sustainability
Healthy soil is the foundation of a healthy future, and ESG is a tool that helps us preserve soil sustainably.

“Soil” is a natural resource that is important for human life and the world’s ecosystem. It is not only a source of food and habitat for various species of organisms, but also helps absorb carbon, reduce climate change, and maintain the water cycle on Earth. However, soil degradation caused by industrial development, unsustainable agriculture, and land use that does not consider the environment poses a threat to the world’s balance. In the context of ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) or management that takes into account the environment, society, and good governance, “soil” is an important factor related to all dimensions of sustainability.
E: Environmental - Environment
Soil plays an important role in the environment in many aspects, such as:
1. Helps absorb carbon gas. Soil is a natural carbon sink . The right amount of carbon in soil will help reduce the impact of climate change.
2. Helps create balance and biodiversity. Soil is a habitat for microorganisms and various organisms that help create a balance in the ecosystem.
3. Helps prevent erosion. Good soil management will help reduce soil erosion and prevent loss of fertility.
In terms of ESG, organizations can take action to conserve soil in the following ways:
1. Supporting sustainable agriculture, such as crop rotation and reduced use of chemicals
2. Restoration of degraded soil, such as reforestation and wetland restoration projects.
3. Investing in technology that helps monitor and maintain soil quality.

S: Social - Society
Soil is a resource that is linked to people's livelihoods, especially in agricultural areas where most people rely directly on soil products. Good soil management helps improve the quality of life of communities and reduce economic inequality. In the ESG dimension, organizations can create positive social impacts by:
1. Providing training on soil conservation methods and sustainable productivity enhancement for farmers
2. Supporting local communities to use soil resources wisely
3. Promoting job creation in communities through projects related to soil restoration.
G: Governance - Good Governance
Good governance is key to supporting sustainable soil management. Transparent and responsible governance promotes long-term soil management. In terms of ESG, integrating governance with soil management may include:
1. Establishing a land use policy that balances development and conservation.
2. Preparation of a comprehensive environmental impact assessment report covering the land.
3. Supporting laws or standards related to sustainable land use.
Soil is a resource that plays a crucial role in the environment, society, and corporate governance. Integrating ESG concepts into soil management not only reduces the impact on the world, but also creates food security, improves the quality of life of the population, and creates a more equal society. Organizations and communities that recognize the importance of soil in the ESG dimension will be a significant driver towards the development of a balanced and sustainable world.
"Healthy soil is the foundation of a healthy future, and ESG is a tool that helps us maintain soil in a sustainable way."
Piwat Thaikla et al. (2010). Land degradation and its management. Bangkok: Land Development Department.
Highland Research and Development Institute. (2022). Soil carbon sequestration and global warming. [Online]. Retrieved November 21, 2024. Available from https://www.hrdi.or.th/articles/Detail/1541 .
Sommat Sombun and group. (2011). Science and technology for resource management . Mahasarakham: Mahasarakham University.